Kahi Loa is a type of healing art practice with roots in the Hawaiian Islands (Kauai). As within the Hawaiian language, words have many meanings. Kahi Loa may be translated to mean "oneness through sacred energy" or "moving or flowing of life/energy". Kahi Loa is very fluid. It is an ancient form of vibrational energy movement, not to be confused with LomiLomi. Kahi Loa is done fully clothed, without the use of oils, and is a wonderful relaxing, energizing, and gentle modality. Some have said that the things taught within Kahi Loa, actually originated from the Star System of the Pleiades. Kahi Loa is simple to learn, easy and fun to do, and powerfully filled with love. With roots in Polynesia, it was developed into a healing system by Serge Kahili King, Ph.D. in the 1980s.
Kahi Loa helps to bring the body and spirit into alignment through the assistance of the elements and kingdoms of the natural world. The practitioner helps the client connect to each through various loving movements simulating each element (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth) or kingdom (Plant and Animal) and our Human/Ancestors. Kahi Loa is a touch-based energy work modality. The idea is that as each element or kingdom is invited into the space, the energy and movement simulated cleanses and clears the energy field. We all resonate differently with different aspects of nature and need different aspects to energize, balance, or center (ground) us. These sessions are known to bring about deep relaxation to re-set the body-mind-spirit of the receiver and allows the body to do what it knows to do.
Kahi Loa helps to bring the body and spirit into alignment through the assistance of the elements and kingdoms of the natural world.
Unlike other modalities, Kahi Loa involves a story the practitioner weaves together to help the client visualize nature. Sometimes this story is spoken aloud to create a beautiful scene. Other times there may be just one word here and there to help the client focus. A session may also be performed in silence. However, communing with nature is a large focus of the Kahi Loa sessions and trainings for both the giver and receiver. Ancient prayers in Hawaiian often begin and conclude the sessions for blessings and manifestations. Sound (our human voice) can carry energy vibrations for wellness and change. The Hawaiian language itself has magic within it as do the prayers (Hawaiian Pule).
The purpose of these classes, as Amanda teaches them, is to educate both new and established practitioners of vibrational energy modalities about a beautiful fluid modality, which has benefits for both the practitioner and client. The classes provide tools for incorporating into one's daily life, as well as during private sessions to help clients shift their perspectives with Aloha and empower themselves. Kahi Loa may vary slightly from practitioner to practitioner as their own intuitive abilities and skills grow over time. Each session is unique and individualized but always filled with love from the four elements, two kingdoms and our heart. These classes are the foundation, the beginning steps, to discovering more on your own as to what lies "hidden" with this beautiful practice and in your awakening cosmic heart.
Kahi Loa is not as common as Reiki or other modalities you may have heard about. However, once you have a session or take a class you quickly see the benefits and that it brings in a lot of love and peace into one's energy field. You may have heard of Huna or Ho'oponopono as those are more prevalent today with books available and other resources. Kahi Loa is taught within Huna practices and by very few instructors around the world. Kahi Loa is something that is still passed on in an oral tradition, no books are available for learning this material.
This level is great for personal growth/awareness and/or for those wishing to offer sessions or integrate into their work. Previous students have found ways to integrate it into their occupational therapy work, yoga classes, and clinical psychiatric work as it is not just about "doing energy work sessions". There is much more. Moms have also found their children really love receiving these sessions!
In Kahi Loa Level I/II students will:
Hours: 14 in class together plus 7+ hours of homework after our weekend performing Kahi Loa sessions, before next level if moving on to Kahi Loa Advanced.
Tuition: $333
Includes instruction, manual, and certificate.
If you are interested in this class please click below. The course is taught in person on demand in Morehead City, NC once a year. The next offering will be early 2025. If you'd like to be the first to know as space is limited to 6, reach out!
Prerequisite: Kahi Loa I/II and seven Kahi Loa sessions documented and provided forms submitted to the instructor prior to this training.
In this two-day course, we will begin by reviewing Level I/II material. Students will also learn the symbol associated with the principles learned. Students will learn distant and instant healing techniques, enhancements for Kahi Loa, Kalana Hula, and shell layouts.
Students will learn how to weave an element story into their sessions to help connect clients to the natural world for assistance in the sessions. Each student will receive a set of seashells for their toolbox and will make other tools needed for the enhancements.
The weekend will include (when weather permits) a trip to a barrier island/beach to connect to the energies of the ocean and land/'aina.
Hours: 16 in class together plus 10.5+ hours of homework after our weekend performing Advanced Kahi Loa sessions, before next level of Master if moving on.
Tuition: $444
Includes instruction, manual, all materials for making enhancements (although you are encouraged to add your own items over time), shell set, if weather permits the boat excursion, and certificate.
Typically offered in November. Check back for dates.
Prerequisite: Kahi Loa I/II and Kahi Loa Advanced
This will be a 1-2 day course depending upon the needs of the students. Some students may only want to integrate the previous levels into their work and not move on to the Master or Teacher level. For yoga teachers desiring to learn Aloha Yoga, this time together will guide you into how to integrate in a variety of ways, all of the concepts previously learned into a yoga class. Students/yoga teachers will walk away with a collection of class formats to offer. Aloha Yoga is based off of Amanda's previous work collaborating with a yoga teacher for Aloha Yoga.
Other students may wish to work with Amanda for other ideas in how to incorporate Kahi Loa/Huna into their service work/day job. Amanda herself as incorporated much of the Hawaiian philosophy and information into her academic classes as well as her meditation classes. These classes will be tailored to the individual’s needs.
Hours: Vary and based on needs of individual
Tuition: $Varies
Prerequisites: Kahi Loa I/II, Advanced and seven Kahi Loa Sessions using the advanced techniques documented leanred in the Advanced class. Forms provided after Advanced training, will need to be submitted to the instructor prior to Master training.
In this weekend course (Friday 12noon-Sunday 5pm), the first day will be spent learning about the three selves and drawing and chanting the Huna Master power symbol in Hawaiian. We will review distant and instant healing techniques, Kalana Hula, and sea crystal layouts. Students will also learn several different Hawaiian Chants and mythology about various Hawaiian Gods/Goddesses that we can reflect on for today's world.
The master level also includes a basic foundation of the sacred ancient practice of Hula. As Hula is also a tool for empowerment (waking the kundalini). The weekend will include (when weather permits) a trip to a barrier island/mountain to connect to the energies of the ocean or land/'aina. Students will learn how to create ceremony for sessions and the weekend will end with a beautiful Aloha Master Ceremony.
Hours: 23 in the class together plus 20+ hours after the weekend completing required assignments if moving on to Kahi Loa Teacher.
Tuition: $555
Prerequisite: Kahi Loa Level I/II, Advanced, and Master levels.
Master assignments completed and submitted prior to registering.
This is for those desiring to teach the classes and that have a heartfelt commitment to continuing to grow and learn personally as well as incorporate more from their own experiences and connections to this sacred work. The hidden knowledge reveals itself over time and Amanda strongly believes that students should continue their studies with other teachers as well as in listening to themselves. This is a 1.5 day intensive training together that will involve examining teaching perspectives and lesson plans for Kahi Loa so you can move forward teaching and sharing this love with confidence, heart, and your gifts weaved in your own way.
Amanda has over a decade of teaching experience in a variety of settings. She has taken Instructor Training courses on teaching methods and has her own 18 years of college level lecture experiences and 5 years of teaching hands on continuing education credits to adult learners to share in helping you be the most effective teacher you can be. A portion of this class will involve homework assignments in helping you develop your curriculum focus and manuals. Expect to spend 3+ months working on this level before completion. This class is one on one with the instructor.
Hours in the classroom together: 12
Hours on your own: 60+
Tuition: $777
The information in the energy work and certification courses are designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care provided by physicians, qualified medical professionals or current medical practices. This information is not intended for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. The techniques described in the courses can be used for an effective stress reduction and relaxation regimen. The information presented is based upon the spiritual practices of many cultures around the world.
"The Kahi Loa Advanced class was magical! Amanda explained everything well and in detail. I know I'll use what I've learned on myself and with friends and family. As a yoga teacher, I have already incorporated some of the techniques from the Kahi Loa I and II into my yoga classes on the military base and its been well received! I'm looking forward to incorporating the additional perspectives and techniques I've learned in the Advanced class!"
~Jess, Morehead City, NC 2016
"Very clear explanations were given in Kahi Loa I, II, and Advanced classes. The individual attention was great! I plan on incorporating this into my reflexology sessions and working with clients and family."
~Cheryl, Morehead City, NC 2016
"I cannot recommend this class enough. Kahi Loa is a beautiful form of loving energy that promotes healing and insight. Amanda clearly has a passion for this light work and does a fabulous job teaching it adding to its majestic qualities. I took Kahi Loa 1 & 2 as well as the advanced class from Amanda. I've now incorporated it into my daily life and look forward to sharing it with others!"
~Cristy, Morehead City, NC 2016
“Kahi Loa (previously called Huna I and II)—I highly recommend this modality to anyone that has a nurturing spirit, nurses, parents and massage therapists. I've done many courses since 2004, from massage to reflexology and Huna I and II is easy to learn and easy on the practitioner. It combines the powers of touch, breath work, energy work, chakra work and using the 7 elements along with a beautiful Hawaiian chant. Amanda Todd is a born teacher and whatever she teaches, from crystal work, Reiki to Huna, you will come away not only with great knowledge, but also a deep, profound experience.”
~Linda, Concord, NC 2013
"If you are seeking a way to peacefully nourish your soul- as well as the soul and spirit of others, Huna I and II (now known as Kahi Loa I/II) is the energy class for you! Huna has completely changed the way I start each and every day! I am so much more connected to nature, my surroundings, and have found a stronger connection/compassion for others. Using the "hands on technique" of a Huna Energy session/Kahi Loa has helped me develop a stronger "third eye intuition" and it's helped me to help others in a much more loving way. "Giving" a session gives me a giant rush of energy and "receiving" completely relaxes me similar to meditation. Everyday brings a stronger appreciation for the beauty that is nature. I highly recommend the class for anyone interested in learning more about their own spiritual side; nature lovers, yogis, health care workers, massage therapists, and anyone with an open mind willing to share positive, loving energy!”
~Rebecca, Mooresville, NC 2013
"Thank you for all the love! This class gave me lots of new techniques to use on my clients!”
~Student, Concord, NC 2013
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